01 February 2017


Well... It's certainly been a while! I've been struggling quite a bit with my health, so I just haven't been motivated to come here and write, unfortunately.

I didn't want to write anything too depressing about it all, so I figured I'd create a "Currently" post instead so y'all could read about my life without having to be in a funk as well.

So, currently, I'm feeling pretty dang bad emotionally, physically, and mentally (I always use that phrase but it's always so true), but I'm trying to stay positive.
With that said, let's see what else I've been up to!


Reading: I just finished The Art of Health by Aarti Patel (review coming soon!) and am currently making my way through Sharon Rainey's The Best Part of My Day Healing Journal which is an enriching workbook for anyone, but especially those with a chronic illness. I love having something to go back to later in the day which forces me to ask myself what I'm grateful for. One of the questions that pops up in the book a lot is something along the lines of, "Who did you let off the hook today?" Now I've noticed, just out doing things like hearing a loud man on his phone while grocery shopping, I'll think to myself, "I'll let him off the hook today so I can write it in the book later..."

Watching: I've been following along with favorites like This Is Us and The Bachelor. Wow, what opposites though, right? I can't even talk about This Is Us without getting emotional. And while The Bachelor makes me emotional, it's definitely not from crying; I feel like I'm always so angry after watching it! I'm still hanging onto the show Timeless as well. I love the characters, the humor, and the history of course!

Craving: The mountains! I miss my mountains! Some of you probably know I went to college at a school smack-dab in the mountains of NC. I became insanely nostalgic for it the other day when I starting reminiscing with an old college buddy. I do not, however, miss walking up those hills to class! Pshew!

Listening to: The Skinny Confidential's podcast featuring Ally Hilfiger about Lyme disease and her book Bite Me. I bought the book immediately after listening to this. I think the podcast was actually very factual about Lyme, and it was great about bringing awareness to the disease!

watts up highlighter candle rewined rosewater spray

Loving: Way behind on this highlighter but LOVE it. The rose water makes my face feel so refreshed after using it, and I can’t wait to try it on my dry scalp. And this candle—this Rewined candle--AHH. Everything about it is amazing. It smells so nice (Vinho Verde scented), and I love that it is repurposed and everything.

This haircut that I finally, FINALLY, got after months and months of waiting. Because I'm so bad at scheduling things. (Thanks anxiety.)


Doing: I'm getting back into knitting again. On the loom, of course. Those looms you find at Wal-Mart, but still! They can turn out some pretty products if you really try. I've made some really nice scarves and a few gloves before on them. Right now I'm working on a neat little scarf, and even though it's going slowly, I am sure it will turn out really nicely! Any hobby to keep my mind off of the pain I've been in.

What's your favorite hobby? Did you take up anything along with the new year?

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