21 October 2014

5 Spooky TV Series Worth Watching

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

buffy vampire slayer crossbow angel

While it's not spot-on horror, this is still a must-watch series in terms of spookiness, action, and fun. (Oh, and we can't forget those Buffy one-liners.) Joss Whedon does a great job keeping the show going--and the monsters always put on a show.

2. Salem

salem tv show witch hanging hanged

salem tv show witch witchcraft vomit blood

Salem, a 2014 release, can get preeeetttty gory--as seen above. There is a gloomy atmosphere that sticks with this show and which seems to surround every plot, no matter how optimistic it may begin. What is really surprising about Salem is first of all, how well the special effects are and second, how brutal it can be. Whether you are "side witch" or..."side human"...neither side seems to have a good outcome.

3. Tales from the Crypt

tales from the crypt crypt keeper joke gif

Tales from the Crypt is a series I used to watch with my dad when I was younger and that I still watch now. It can be creepy, it can be downright scary, and sometimes it's just belly-laugh-funny.
The Crypt Keeper, shown above, introduces each 30 minute long segment, and just has to crack little jokes along the way. (No complaints here, though.) Many cameo appearances are featured, one of my favorites being Arnold Schwarznegger, and there are seven seasons so you have plenty of choices!

YouTube actually has the episode "Cutting Cards" available, with Lance Henriksen--a horror god, if you don't know him. It has always been a favorite with my dad and me. It's funny and fun, and the ending is great!

4. Penny Dreadful

penny dreadful eva green

Another 2014 TV series, Penny Dreadful made quite some noise when it first came out, and for good reason! The lovely Eva Green is cast as the character Vanessa Ives, who, along with many other unique characters (and wonderful actors!) is set out for a supernatural journey. Based on many "penny dreadful" stories, such as Dracula, Frankenstein, and Dorian Gray, this is truly a shocking series chocked full of gory, scary scenes without many jump scares. This has to be one of my favorites from this year.

5. Helix

helix syfy tv show virus

helix syfy virus rat dead

While I hear it's similar to The Strain, I have never seen that TV show so I really can't compare. However, I can definitely recommend THIS show because it's gross, involves weird disease stuff, and also captures black vomit a lot.

It is a Syfy show, putting off some viewers, but the cheesiness is only part of the greatness.

*All images via Tumblr. 

Have any TV series you would recommend for the spooky season? 

19 October 2014

{Widened Horizons}

It's that time. The time when Bath & Body Works release some of their best scents for the home and yep--hand sanitizers galore!
b&bw hand pumpkin fall sanitizers

It's also finally time to break out the leggings (thank heavens!). What better way to say, "Fall's finally here!" than with these floral printed leggings?
desert floral print leggings dark fall

Fall is my favorite season to snuggle up on the couch with a good book.
I still love going to the library and checking out fantasy novels, or just browsing.
So what's better to showcase how much you love books or the library than with a library stamped t-shirt?!
library stamp shirt fun

I tend to only carry purses that will fit around my body instead of on my shoulder. I'm really into crossbody purses, and I'm crazy about the the owl printed one that I carry right now. However, I wouldn't mind trading it out every now and then for this baby--a mini-satchel, to be exact!
purse satchel bow vegan

For this week's owl find, I happened across these nesting bowls that are beyond beautiful. Just too lovely!!
owl ceramic nesting bowls

And finally, even when the tough gets going...
choose joy inspiration motivation

Quick Links:

17 October 2014

Playlist: "It Feels Right"

Bridal Veil Falls III

The weather has been perfect today. Absolutely on point.
The leaves are beginning to change around me, and as I sat outside on the porch today, listening to the bluebirds chirp, I felt a reassuring calm sweep over me.
It's fall. My favorite season. And for some reason, everything just feels right.

This blues-y tune really makes me want to lean back and relax.
And maybe listen to it over and over just so I can belt out the chorus.

I'm almost ashamed to admit I'm just now becoming a member of the St. Vincent fan club. Better late than never though, right? If this is the first song you hear of St. Vincent's, then I can't be happier for you, because it's a far cry from anything I've heard recently--and that's such a wonderful thing.

Last of all is a song I've been listening to on repeat--a cover of Daft Punk and Julian Casablancas' "Instant Crush." Such sweet, innocent voices singing-AND CLAPPING--let me escape into that place of almost being asleep, but still managing to bob my head.

What do you think? Any of these songs feel right to you?

15 October 2014

Wordful Wednesday//What's That Sound? (Misophonia)

For years now--really ever since I can remember--I've had problems with different noises to the point where I get frustrated, almost hulking out

I hate eating close together with anyone because I hate having to hear the noises they make when they chew. Recently, for instance, my mother was biting down on an apple as I was talking to her and I had to leave the room. I had suddenly wanted to yell at her and rip the apple out of her mouth. 

It sounds silly, but for those who suffer from misophonia, it's no joke. In fact, misophonia--the decreased tolerance to, or even hatred of sounds--can cause panic attacks or severely limit one's daily life. 

One thing I've realized is that most sounds that bother me are man-made. I don't typically get ticked off by natural sounds; in fact, I welcome them. The sounds of cows mooing, trees swaying in the breeze, rain falling. All of that is soothing to me. 

However, someone slurping on their coffee, repetitively clearing their throat or sniffling, even someone breathing heavily can all set me off. And look--all of those sounds I just listed come from a human being. Like anyone else, I can get easily peeved off by a car's loud bass or heavy equipment, but nothing enrages me like someone biting their nails or sucking on a cough drop. 

I've mentioned my experience with misophonia on the blog before, talking about how even my dad's loud voice would drive me to tears. I would have to wear headphones to block him out, or worse, avoid him. 

Like I mentioned in my previous post, all of this may sound silly and like a huge temper tantrum--or just a pet peeve. But misophonia is a neurological disorder. The noises that upset us vary, and can be noises you don't even think about. "Sucking on a cough drop," for instance. This one gets me every time, and is one that confuses the heck out of my mother. It's not even a loud noise to her. It's not even a loud noise at all, really. And that's one of the mysteries of the disease. 

It wasn't until I was diagnosed with Lyme disease that I even heard about misophonia. 
My Lyme Literate Medical Doctor asked me questions like
"Do noises bother you?" or
"Do you get upset at your family members when they make certain noises?"

That's when it was explained what exactly was going on with me, why I wasn't crazy, and how I had managed to become a "misophonic"--through Lyme. 

Many people with Lyme disease suffer from misophonia, and many understand what is going on. However, many do not. There's also the fact that many sufferers of misophonia understand what is going on yet may have Lyme disease, unknowingly. 

Misophonia isn't the most common thing to happen to people in the world, but it still deserves attention and awareness. 

I'm not saying, "Stop making all the little noises that you make because it could potentially trigger someone." 
I'm saying, "If someone asks you to stop making a noise, please stop it." 
I'm saying, "If you think you may be triggered by noises to the point where you hate the source of the sound, seek knowledge and help."

Even though there is not yet a cure, there are a few ways of managing misophonia. 
The best and easiest thing that works for me, which may sound too simple, is actually headphones. 
There is also cognitive therapy, desensitization therapy, etc. 

Just make sure you are doing what is best for your body, and look out for the well-being of others. 

12 October 2014

{Widened Horizons}

I've been craving a real statement piece of jewelry--a ring, in particular. I want one that looks nice when stacked upon, or when standing alone. I found this sunstone ring and immediately thought it was a "fall" kind of jewelry piece. I love the band and how it's almost fantasy-like. OH witchy ring...  
sunstone gem fall autumn ring

I used to own the frilliest, girliest day bed when I was young, and I still dream about it sometimes. Nothing, however, and I mean nothing compares to this Orwell day bed "with heavy quilted curtains which fold down easily insulating from sound and light." Doesn't that sound perfect?! If you're not already sold...take a gander...
day bed sound noise isolating awesome quilt
There are more wonderful pictures on the linked site, of course.
I just can't quit thinking about this damn bed ever since I spotted it the other day. Can I add it to my Amazon wishlist?

Fun fact about me: I love paisley prints. Another fun fact about me: I love brooches but never get to wear them. I spied this fun little autumn-reminiscent paisley brooch and had to share!
paisley flower brooch cute embroidered

You either love Betsey Johnson or you hate her. While I definitely think she goes overboard sometimes, consider me a big fan. I can definitely find some cute toned down goodies of hers at Ross or Stein Mart. I really love her scarves. I typically get the wild prints, but this buffalo check scarf in blue is just calling out to me.
betsey johnson scarf blue infinity

My favorite food that I've been gorging on lately? Pumpkin spice greek yogurt! Yes, yes, everything is pumpkin spice flavored now. But listen to me. This stuff is delicious. I normally am not a yogurt fan. It takes a lot of peer pressure and a lot of flavor to get me to down yogurt (it's a long story). But my mom came home the other day, toting these bright orange packages of Chobani yogurt, a little smirk on her face. She knows me too well. I am in love with yogurt again (OK, maybe just pumpkin spice yogurt). Check out a review about it here if you need even more of a kick in the rear to get you to go try it for yourself.
greek yogurt pumpkin spice chobani

The owl find this time around is jut ADORABLE. (And affordable.) I was drifting around Amazon's huge search list for "owl" items and came up with this hoodie. It only comes in size S/M so I'm out of the picture, but for any followers out there who are as owl crazy as me, I beg you, wear this and wear this proudly.
owl hoodie oh my gosh cute

Now please, go find a way to be happy today:
be happy always yourself

Quick Links:

09 October 2014

Thursday Threads: Icon


Icon by thezorya featuring a hinged bangle
Floral cutout dress, $32 / Morgan beige top, $88 / Calvin Klein slip on shoes / Topshop shopping tote, $61 / Principles by Ben de Lisi hinged bangle, $16 / Burberry fragrance

The most expensive item in this set is the Burberry My Burberry perfume! I sampled it about a week back and have been in awe of it ever since.

When I spotted the burgundy suede bag, I knew I had to find a floral dress to go along with it, and what's better to pair with a cute little dress other than a cardigan?

I'm really rooting for one of my followers to buy this bangle because I'm broke right now and can't. I love the mixed metal aspect and I think it would just be adorable with this fall weather!

Have you tried out Burberry's new perfume? 

08 October 2014

Wordful Wednesday//Karma Police

Karma police
I've given all I can
It's not enough
I've given all I can
But we're still on the payroll
Instead of "Karma Police," sometimes I feel like the title of Radiohead's song should be "Karma Disease."
Okay, my lame attempt at a twist on a song title was just because it kinda sorta almost rhymed with the original. Please don't judge too harshly.

There is something behind my failure of rhyming words, however, that is worth talking about.
And it does involve karma. And it does involve disease.

For what seems like the past few years now, with my ongoing illness, there has been a conversation that often repeats itself between my father and me.

My dad likes to ask, "Why are all the bad people rich?"
or more frequently, "Why do all the best people I know have the worst luck?"

His biggest question for me, however, has been, "Why do good people get sick?"

If we're supposed to be born equal, he wonders aloud, then how is any of what happens to us fair?

I can't answer that for him. All I know is that life isn't fair. The idea that we are born equal is only true to an extent, and really only in a religious point of view.

So what's the deal? Is the world just one big roll of the dice to see how your luck plays out? Is it actually karma?

I don't think so. Especially not when it comes to the topic my father refers to over and over again--my illness.

When someone has an illness, others who dislike them may often have something nasty to say behind their back. I've had the joyful experience to hear from others that I "offended God" (yes, those exact words) or that this was my way of paying for my bad deeds--karma, of course.

Steam would blow out of my ears when hearing something like this, and I almost choked on anger when hearing a similar experience from a sick friend.

But something I couldn't even prepare myself for was that at times, I started believing those people and the words they said. 

I stopped praying for a while. If I had incurred the wrath of God, so be it. Fight fire with fire. Or...fight fire with silence? 

I had a nightmare of a time where only my bed could console me, I was so depressed--partly from the illness itself, partly from no support of others. I didn't have any idea as to what I had done in my life to deserve this. I mean, I wasn't even into my 20's. Did I give someone the stink-eye at Wal-Mart once only to have them curse me a slow, dismal death? 


There isn't a person I haven't met with some kind of illness--whether it be diabetes, a thyroid problem, or even Lyme disease--that hasn't asked that same question. We may never find the answer we're looking for, but I promise it's never anything you did because you are not a bad person who ever did anything worth being ill. 

I have heard people--like motivational speakers--say things like, "God gave me ____ so I can teach others the meaning of life" or something to that effect. I hated those people. Now I just feel iffy towards them. God GAVE you a torturous, life-altering, perhaps FATAL disease in order to teach OTHERS something? Well now, when you put it that way... 

No. But maybe it helps them sort out the reasons for that big question of "what did I do?" 

I may sound just as crazy when I say this, so feel free to write me off as well, but I do think the people who are dealt the hand of suffering come out stronger. I haven't reached "the other side" (that being recovery) yet, but when I do, I imagine it'll be like discovering I have superpowers or that I'm one of the X-Men with a strength no one but those who have went through what I have can say they yield. 

Do I think I was "given" this disease? No more than people are given moles, freckles, or dimples.

Has it taught me anything? Lessons upon lessons! How to be patient, why I should be grateful for every little thing, and to have a sense of humor! (Thanks Dad for passing that trait down.) 

I don't think I've been handing out the meaning of life like chocolates anytime recently, but I try to raise awareness about my disease as well as other chronic illnesses when I can, and Lyme disease has definitely changed how my family interacts with each other. For the better. 

I will probably never be able to give my dad the answers he wants. 
Life isn't fair, and that's OK. We all have our problems. We compare and we judge, and that's human nature. 
But what I ask is that, if you're sick, you don't blame yourself. And if someone else is sick, you don't blame them. 

Instead of shaming someone for an incident that recently took place in their life, how about your bring them a gift basket or send them a handmade card. Bake them cookies or bring them some flowers. You offer to take them out for some drinks or bring them a drink (mmm, hot chocolate!). Simply lend them an ear. 

But what you don't do is bring them and yourself down. 

The world is vulgar enough as it is. Let some sunshine in.

02 October 2014

Thursday Threads: Mod Looks (Then and Now)

I've noticed a lot of outfits recently giving off a '60s vibe. 

Chunky heeled mary janes, shift dresses, high waisted pants with a wide leg...even the makeup seems to be returning! 

I've put together a small list of what some of my favorite fashion choices from the 1960's are, and how they've been recreated today. 

While searching the web for some inspiration, I came across Rachel Zoe's fall 2014 collection, and it's glorious! (Even though I can't think of Rachel Zoe without picturing that scene from Gossip Girl where chocolate fondue spills on her head.) Everything that I wanted to express about what's been coming back in style is basically in her collection. 

In fact...

I just adore this little blue jacket on top of this simple, yet elegant black & white striped dress. Rachel Zoe nailed it!
mod 60s striped black white shift dress rachel zoe

The shift dress immediately made me think of...TWIGGY!
twiggy 60s mod stripe dress adorable
It's those large black and white stripes that take us back to the '60s.
I've seen them on sweater dresses, but especially on shift dresses, which is where they're most at home.
Large, bold stripes can be adorable and classy. Whoever told us that stripes make us look larger can buzz off because even plus size ladies are taking the trend to heart.

The next item you can be sure to see and wear for yourself is what's commonly called "balloon sleeves."

Here is a picture of a woman from the 1960's in London wearing a balloon sleeve dress.
london 60s mod balloon sleeve dress cute
Isn't she a cutie??

Now, here's a top from ASOS with the same balloon sleeves.
asos top blouse balloon sleeves pink
I've seen a lot of chiffon dresses with balloon sleeves out--expensive ones, eek--and they have been gorgeous. Usually no collars like the former one, but still just as precious!

The last item I wanted to draw attention to, and just in time for Halloween ;) haha, is the lovely cape!
60s mod orange fur cape gorgeous
Believe it or not, this has always been my favorite clothing item to look up on etsy. They have some wonderful choices that are dated but still in pristine shape. AND I WANT THEM ALL. Bright colors, fur, buttons buttons buttons. Oh, how lovely.

We still do a pretty good job--and by that, I mean great job--with capes. I saw an amazing belted one just the other day. The cape that I picked out for this post was on Amazon, however.
cape beautiful black buttons
Not as many buttons as I'd like, but it's still got 'em! And that collar...phew! Somebody stop me! 

We're always going to be inspired by the past of fashion. History repeats itself. But the greatness of fashion, and where the art of fashion comes into play, is that we update it and revamp what the trends of the past were.

I hope you were inspired just a little by what you've seen today, and maybe you even thought of something you saw recently that fits the mod trend? If so, let me know!